The holidays feel rushed this year. Here’s why
Christmas, as we know, is always December 25th. But Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday of November—a date that floats sometimes as early as November 22nd… or this year… the latest it could possibly be, which was November 28th. Let’s rewind. Remember when Halloween was on a Thursday and November 1 was a Friday? That set in motion a calendar that squished the rest of the holidays. We were almost an entire week into November before we saw a Thursday, which made the fourth Thursday come way at the end of the month—the latest it can actually be. The end result is a feeling that we have one less week—and one less precious weekend when we all have events—between Thanksgiving and Christmas—just 27 days. In 2023, we had five weekends between the holidays. This year we have only four weekends. Add to that, Christmas is landing smack in the middle of a week, and people may be feeling extra cheated by not being able to bookend the holidays around a weekend. Since many people take off Christmas week—or New Year’s week—having the holidays land